Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Much Ado About Nothing: Chapter 2, Part 3 [End]

In Deleuze/Guatarri the schizophrenic is called the universal producer, and let's consider this alone for a second. The schizophrenic produces meaning, at the expense perhaps of whatever the meaning points to, and probably because the signs are all pointing at the schizophrenic. I think it's probably insulting to schizophrenics to have a disease that so terrorizes them to be idealized. But on the other hand the delusions can often be so unconsciously self-indulgent that the schizophrenic would rather not be cured.

Whatever the issue is, we don't seem to be hearing much from the schizophrenics about it. Do we? Unless Deleuze/Guatarri is only one person.

At any rate, "This Sentence is False" comes back around to this concept of the "Universal Producer". Let's have a look:

"The schizophrenic is the universal producer. There is no need to distinguish here between producing and its product. We need merely note that the pure "thisness" of the object produced is carried over into a new act of producing...the non-termination of the table is a necessary consequence of its mode of production."

$This Sentence Is False$ is both the subject and object of its discourse, both the speaking subject and the object referred to. It's redoubled circularity, a circularity that exists on multiple levels is bent into itself in such a manner that one category always remains unstable.

In this manner, the product can produce, the "this-ness" the self-reference, constitutes production itself. I am, I guess, what I am after all. This creative self-penetration allows the object to produce itself without having (like a food pooper) to take anything into itself.

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