Thursday, May 28, 2009

Computer Generated Poems

Random Poetry Generator

For WIP project, Infinite Monkeys, a full featured random poetry generator, look here: Currently 1.+ Release is now available.

The following poems are generated by a random poem generator written in FreeBASIC from lines of the prior text and then edited for the sake of sense. You can find more erudite variations on computer generated poetry here.

Also, here is my Random Sentence Generator which you can download and enjoy:

Partially generated by the random sentence generator, then cut up and pasted via Bryon Gysin method.

Highgate Hellfire

newton's world is a great machine operated by a demon at a button wearied by years of narrative science. cursed in the repetition of a gravity which collapses into a masochist's minstrel pushing a fat lamb up an incline of nails. nuns with guns are chasing their own habits. business men reach their hands into their throats. they will breed a new cancer with an asexual reproduction of disfigured midgets growing from the tumors in their chests. they will run through the heart of them, beating faster, faster, faster till their power suits are ablaze in names. mothers will shove their children back into their wombs where they will be safe from craven comforts and sickbed medicine along the dark streets of a coward's definition of a tomb's prediction. i will be buried alive in darkness, my sky like a shadow, my spirit a house i cannot escape warming in the night like a defense mechanism weeping the voiceless whispers of consecreated cries burst into the grammar of a cave.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ouroboros by Garet Garrett

"EITHER the machine has a meaning to
life [nature] that we have not yet been able to interpret
in a rational manner or it is itself
a manifestation of life and therefore mysterious.
We have seen it grow. We know
it to be the exterior reality of our own
ideas. Thus we are very familiar with it>
as with our arms and legs, and see it in
much the same way—that is to say, imperfectly
and in some aspects not at ail-"

I think a careful analysis of this text is time suited to the troubles that we face, and We hear meaning the world economy, and not just the US economy.

The idea is simple: the economy is not backed by gold or fiduciary consensus, but rather food and labor, and labor being extensible to machine power as well as man power.

The desire to produce takes over. It takes over because it is organic, because it is based upon desire and because it is based on natural laws, it becomes autonomous, the rule of nature.

The problem is one of interdependency. The interdependency creates co-dependency. The co-dependency creates as system where the system itself is in control.

Now the problem isn't black and white, you don't get rid of the system, in fact the solution is even simpler than the argument: Fair Trade. I think if you take a careful look at this book you will find it highly relevant to the problems we're facing in the global economy today: abstraction.

The currency is based on mutual trust and faith that the value of it is real, and when that is lost, and the value of the currency is lost then the problem no longer becomes currency and economy, it becomes food and basic living conditions sustainable to life.

This is what we face. And herein lies a solution.

Ideas have their own time, I think the time for this one is now.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Time Dilation

Note the mirror/ping-pong like structure of how the equation is visualized.

...On Recursion


Where can i get information, on how to develop my own Algorithms, recursion ETC.? Any help will be greatly apreciated :)


You can also check out the Julia set fractals in the examples that come with FreeBASIC.

Recursion proper is a little tricky to work with. I prefer not to use it but to embed calls of different functions in other functions for reasons of practicality.

The most basic example is the factorial.

But the value of learning how to use recursion is that it makes you smarter, not that it is a pragmatic programming technique (in my humble opinion).

The basic interpretive stuff is that the last output becomes the next input, so it creates a self-referential feedback loop. This can be accomplished in other ways, with multiple functions, which give the programmer much more control.

Recursion is a really unwieldy tool. But it's good to learn anyway. Sometimes you just have to learn stuff because it makes you smarter, not because its a viable solution to any problem.

The real key to it all is that biological systems operate in accord with the recursive properties I mentioned above... Growth in living organisms can be expressed recursively.

Also, you may want to check out the Towers of Hanoi. It's a game based and written recursively. Also cryptography can be written recursively because of the way one way encryption works, fractals are drawn recursively and so the property of Self-Similarity or Super-Symmetry is another facet of recursion.

So the key components are not necessarily recursive. That being the input becomes the output ( there is no longer any distinction between subject and object/cause effect/all dichotomies break down and dissolve into one thing ) and self-reference leads to self-similarity, and that needn't be recursive either.

I find it fun to think about, but a burden to use.

Oh yes, self-penetration, and re-entry are buzzwords along these lines.

You should also check Chaos Theory as it warped and spasmed out of Mandlebrot's fractals. What else? Uhhmm... Postmodern philosophy is often written in a self-referential way, where it "grows" much like a recursive function grows toward infinity (if its coded "wrong"). On the flip side, to code a recursive function properly, it generally needs a break case or it has to devour itself down to nothing.

Hope this little excursion in recursion is beneficial to you. For my part I just enjoy thinking about it. I never ever use recursion proper, but everything I work on is based on the properties of recursion I mentioned above.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Flatland World Builder & RPG Maker

Game Engine/World Builder


This is a blank version of the RPG engine I am developing as a tutelary device to teach video game programming and math/physics. Documentation will be forthcoming (keep checking)!

pixel perfect collision via Mysoft
circle collision via Bollocks
square collision via Bollocks
Projectile collision and health bar

*Dialog Engine
Interactive text adventure/chatbot style interactions with NPC's

Very slick interface (which is still being developed) via Vince Decampo

Scripting engine which allows you run case based procedures through
text file

*End User Creativity
-World Builder allows you to place NPC's and mapobjects with the ability
to interact with them in the game
-Civ-like Map Editor
-Lots of stolen graphics

-Loading sounds has never been easier

Sunday, May 3, 2009

SuperStrings: Text Manipulation Functions

Searching from left to right, it searches a match for the first character in the search string, to the first character in the destination string. It it succeeds then it checks the last character in the search string and if it does not match, it can slide the entire length of the search string in the to-be-searched string. These are a powerful set of procedures which I'm going to use to for digital poetry projects.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"lazarus the murdering"

-A creative inquiry into schizoid disorders-

the absolute value of my meaning revolves around all which i do not mean. corpus christi is imprisoned by the horizon. for the sake of dawn. at night's annihilation. i collapse into lines of sight. converging on a horizon which stretches like the lines on a heart monitor. jagged like a lie detector. in beats like the sight of sound. the sun itself is a prisoner of the horizon. time stopped a long while ago. i am an eternity. i evaporate into a generality. involuntarily anyone.

the schizoid is not at peace with his external reality. and so he leaves it in a state of perpetual dereliction. he picks of it what he chooses from a salad bar of pre-interpreted facts. the schizoid has entered a state of infinite sympathy with the external reality. he can feel the waves emitted by the power lines speaking into his brain. abstract gestures such as arranging silverware in special patterns produces meta-empirical effects along an analogical echo of intent.

often, since the fear itself is imagined, the arrangement of the silverware may have a temporarily cathartic effect. but the tendency of the schizoid is such that tension escalates tension, to the extent that the coping mechanism (arranging the silverware to 'block' the intruding 'waves') becomes a trigger to the anxiety, and the process cycles.

what the schizoid knows of love only the catatonics have achieved, for the goal of the schizoid is a complete break with reality. when the sympathetic connection with the external world has folded completely inward, the gestural balancing act that the schizoid performs has become internalized. we might say, in other words, that the schizoid has achieved a stasis in the cycle of fear and comfort, and is entirely capable of internally managing that fear. with the evaporation of the fear, we can likewise say, that schizoid's motives for interacting with reality on any level have entirely evaporated.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Clever Hans

Clever Hans

From Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction by Mark L. Knapp

Clever Hans was a horse whose owner became convinced that he was capable of doing math. The owner would ask the horse: what is 4/2 and the horse would tap twice. As the questions became more and more difficult and the horse was apparently capable of doing factorials in his head, he garnered the attention of the world community. Many people flocked to watch the horse perform complex arithmetic in his horsey mind and even many in the scientific community became convinced that the horse in fact was a master-class arithmetist, and that they had been underestimating animal intelligence by a vast magnitude.

It turned out however that if the math question was spoken into the horse's ear and their was no one in his visual range that the horse could not come up with correct answer. He was reading the body-language of the audience which was unconsciously signaling to Hans when to stop tapping!